10 Reasons To Buy Handmade

10 Reasons To Buy Handmade

10 Reasons To Buy Handmade

Here are my top reasons why buying handmade is so much better than buying mass produced gifts.

  1. Each Handmade Item Is Unique

You will often find unique differences in each handmade item unlike mass produced gifts.  It makes the product very special and nobody else will have exactly the same item.  It is totally original!





     2. Buying Handmade Is Good For The Environment

Handmade products don’t require large production facilities or warehouses.  Most items are made in craft studios or even on kitchen tables!  Your handmade item doesn’t travel thousands of miles to get to you.  When you order from www.sewlovelybyali.com your order is coming from within the UK.


  1. Handmade Supports The Local Economy

When you buy from Sew Lovely By Ali you are directly supporting a UK based crafter.  I might not be local to you but the money stays in the UK.  The money doesn’t pay for big bonuses but goes directly to the person who made the gift.  Although it isn’t just about money.  Each purchase made to a small business gives the maker confidence in their product, a chance to develop their skills and an opportunity to re-invest in to their business.



  1. Handmade Is Usually On Trend

Independent designers, makers and crafters are usually on trend much quicker than larger companies.  They can experiment and make one – off items to test the market and if there is interest a collection can be designed to fit the new trend.  It can take about 12 months for a large company to introduce a new product range.  A small business can be much more flexible.


  1. Handmade Withstands The Test Of Time

Do you remember the last time you bought something that lasted? Most handmade items are made to last.  You are going to keep that item for a very long time.  It will be a lifelong keepsake.


  1. There’s A Story Behind Each Product

Each handmade product has its own story.  The person who created it put lots of effort in to making something unique.


  1. You Buy Directly From The Maker

When you buy handmade you buy directly from the person who makes your gift.  It can’t be any simpler than that!  If you have a question you can talk to that person directly. 


When you place an order with www.sewlovelybyali.com the notification goes directly to me and I will then prepare the order.


  1. Buying Handmade Keeps Craft Skills Going

By supporting artisans you are supporting the craft skill that they practise.


  1. Handmade Is Made By Real People

The maker is passionate about their craft and their business.  Each gift is made with love, care and attention to detail.



  1. It Shows You Care

You took the time to research what the recipient likes and you give them a gift that no one else will have and it means so much more!





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